关于达明 » 任务 & 哲学

任务 & 哲学

达米安高中是全国公认的高中ader of 学术 excellence and well-respected for developing the talents and potential of high school boys. 受到莫洛卡岛圣达米安富有同情心的榜样的启发,以确保他人的福祉, 达米安有很强的教育学生为国效力的传统, 奖学金, 和信仰. 达米安高中 is owned and operated by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA).
灵感来自St. 莫洛卡岛的达米安, 耶稣和玛利亚圣心会的成员, 达米安高中, 一所天主教男校, 培养人的 服务、学识和信仰, 准备好参与全球社会.


本着圣. 莫洛卡岛的达米安, 基督教服务 at 达米安高中 offers students the opportunity to act beyond the walls of the classroom by taking 学术 theory and Christian faith into local communities. 基督教服务使学生参与对社会负责的行动,提供实质性的, 富有同情心的, 和信仰-filled service that makes a difference in the lives of those served and of those who are serving. 作为基督教礼拜经历的一部分, students are challenged to take leadership roles in new and ongoing projects in collaboration with organizations working to bring healing, 希望, 对生活在我们社区里的人们的转变.




The faculty and staff of 达米安高中 provide students with a broad range of opportunities to acquire knowledge and to develop the critical reading and writing skills necessary for future 学术 success. The emphasis in the curriculum is college preparatory; all students will have met or exceeded the subject requirements for admission to the CSU and UC systems. 毕业后, students will possess a broad-based knowledge of basic subject matter in required and elective courses. 学生学会分析, 解决, 理解问题, 并以清晰而有意义的方式表达他们的想法. 作为这一过程的一部分,技术与所有班级和所有级别的课程相结合.


奖学金的课外发展, 达米安学生的身体和社会发展, 补充他的智力发展. 达米安提供的项目以校际体育为核心, 视觉艺术展览, 表演艺术中的音乐和戏剧表演, 机器人竞赛. 此外,学生可以参加各种各样的俱乐部和ASB活动. 在这些活动中, 学生有机会发展领导能力, 自律, 以及良好的体育精神. 教师鼓励学生参加这样的课外活动, 因为它们是学校生活中重要而有益的方面. 




达米恩的主要任务是像耶稣一样教导.  这个任务, 根据全国天主教主教会议, calls on faculty to integrate in their teaching the fourfold dimensions of Catholic education: message, 社区, 敬拜, 和服务. 信仰计划, 通过神学的指导, 教师见证, 撤退, 和仪式, 促进达米安学生的心灵成长. 在天主教传统中,学生培养对自我价值和他人尊严的认识. The school family is a caring faith 社区 that nurtures members in an atmosphere of mutual support. 这种事工使学生成为一个有信心的人, 自律, 积极参与世界的生活.



      • 学习耶稣基督的生平和教导.
      • 以圣. 达明.
      • 参与礼仪庆典及静修.
      • 完成大学预备课程.
      • 分析、评价、解释、研究和综合信息.
      • 负责任地利用技术作为学习的工具.
      • 采用个人和合作解决问题的策略.
      • 探索和尊重所有社会的文化贡献.
      • 认识到塑造我们世界的各种社会、政治和经济力量.
      • 了解我们作为自然环境及其资源管理者的责任.
      • 养成健康的生活方式.
      • 拥抱斯巴达准则的八个属性.
      • 利用领导的机会.
      • 遵循黄金法则.
2006年,博士. Leonard Sax wrote a book called “Why Gender Matters” in which he raised a concern about an increased number of boys not succeeding in traditional schools in addition to being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

当博士. Sax compared this decline in achievement with the latest medical/brain research regarding the process of learning among adolescent boys, Dr. 萨克斯总结说,目前传统学校的设计倾向于发掘女孩的学习潜力. 因此,博士. 萨克斯还得出结论,男孩最好接受不同的学习环境, 尤其是单性别学校, 哪些可以提高男孩的学业成功水平. 看到博士. 萨克斯对单一性别公共教育的研究:

在2013年夏天,达米安的教务主管克里斯·道格拉斯和校长博士. 梅里特海明威进行 attended the International Boys School Coalition (IBSC) Conference at which they heard much of the latest research in successful all-boys education from around the globe.

在2014年的夏天, six additional 达明 faculty members attended the IBSC conference and have brought back a plethora of ideas for improving learning among boys. 这些想法随后与达米安的所有老师分享. This includes a recently implemented “Return to Learn” protocol for students who have suffered a concussion. A number of faculty members have also read and reported on the book “I Can Learn From You” by Michael Reichert and Richard Hawley, which highlights the need for teachers to focus on the relational dynamics that help boys succeed as learners.

在国际男校联盟会议上讨论全男生教育, 与会者还了解到,男孩喜欢到处走动, 竞争, 利用科技, 并对环境进行一定程度的控制.
Many of these researched concepts are learning modalities that have been used for years at 达米安高中. 事实上, one of the great advantages we have as a single-gender school is that we can work towards enhancing such models to ensure that the young men of 达明 thrive and succeed.

当我们在全校范围内应用这些原则时, 我们试图为年轻男性创造一个更有利的学习环境. 想想达米恩的新工程教室. 学生们在一天的课程中有足够的活动空间. 坐在新教室的椅子上,你会注意到它和你一起移动!

最后, you’ll note that traditional classroom desks have been replaced with specially designed tables for flexible classroom design. While our Engineering class currently epitomizes our commitment to an educational experience tailored for young men, we have initiated plans to re-design all of our classrooms with a consideration of the learning needs of young men.
我们与波莫纳天主教和圣. 露西当然可以和年轻女士有很多互动, 但这种互动并不发生在下午7:45-2:55之间, 哪段时间是专门用来学习的. What this means for a 达明 student is that the students they are competing with for grades are their peers. 到毕业时,他们不仅是同龄人,而且是兄弟.
我们独特的学院体系支持9到12年级之间的兄弟情谊. 每个学院由不同年级的学生组成, 是什么增加了学生之间的同志情谊. 通过房子之间的友好竞争, 学生们像兄弟一样跨年级竞争, 不仅仅是大一新生, 二年级的学生, 初中, 或者高年级学生(这种区别往往强调学生的分裂而不是团结). The students themselves also determine yearly House Competitions (past tournaments have included quiz bowl, 音乐碗, 室外地滚球戏球, 去踢球, 3-on-3篮球, 极限飞盘, 当然还有五月举行的斯巴达奥运会). Freshmen are also paired with a Big Brother who guides and mentors them through their first year at 达明.
我们还拥有优秀的校园体育设施. 正如圣盖博谷论坛报去年所指出的那样, 达米恩高中保持#1的体育设施在山谷. 这当然为体育比赛创造了一个很好的环境, 而且学生们不需要长途跋涉去练习.
And of course 达明 has The PIT (also noted in the Tribune as one of the top cheer groups in the valley) where the girls come to join the boys in cheering. 参加The Pit是校园生活中独特而充满活力的方面.
Also consider the history of Honors at Entrance 奖学金 recipients as well as the AP Scholars at 达明. We offer merit 奖学金s (Honors at Entrance) to students scoring at or above the 90th percentile on the Placement Exam. 目前,184名学生(几乎占达米安学生总数的20%)获得了这个奖项. 这就形成了一个竞争非常激烈的学习环境. 这也解释了为什么2014届212名毕业生中, 其中有不同程度AP学者122人,其中AP学者75人, 16名AP荣誉学者, 31名杰出的AP学者, 8名国家AP学者. 我们确实有很多学者.
最近, 达明明矾, 威廉·齐藤,87年, wrote an autobiography called “An Un-Programmed Life” (available through Amazon) in which he noted many memorable experiences from his time as a 达明 student. 不足为奇的是, he emphasized what is the historical hallmark of 达明 and that is opportunity to engage in acts of 基督教服务. 事实上, 我们为我们的服务历史感到自豪, 这通常会在我们的学生中培养为更大的社区服务的终身承诺.
最后,我们的校园事工项目是达米安经历的重要组成部分. 这包括参加学生静修的机会, which begins during the freshman year and continues through the sophomore year with one-day on-campus 撤退. 作为初中, 学生有机会参加以马忤斯静修, 在校外举办两天. 最后, 这次静修体验的高潮是为期四天的凯洛斯静修, 高年级学生通常认为达米安大学四年的亮点是什么. 传统上95%的高年级学生都在凯洛斯, which is a special “time out” in the busy part of life to explore one’s relationship with others and ultimately our creator God and His son, 耶稣.
事实上, 由男生组成的校园有许多共同的优势, and 达明 proudly upholds these exceptionalities that make our school 社区 so much more than a “traditional school.“最终, 达米安是一个年轻人可以茁壮成长并发挥最佳领导力的地方, 学术, 精神潜能.
达米安校长博士. 梅里特海明威进行

我们会回忆那些夜晚 胜利